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"Every day, dedicate
30 minutes
solely to yourself."

A burst of adrenaline every now and again can be exciting. But too much stress isn't healthy - it can upset our natural balance. So try these top tips.

Keep Fit At Home

There’s never been so many online classes to keep your physical wellbeing at its best. From pilates to yoga, crossfit to barre – there’s thousands of videos to keep you fit at home. Why not try something new everyday to keep it varied and work different parts of the body.

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Nature Sounds With Yakult

If you’re feeling a little stressed today, then we’ve got the perfect playlist just for you. Listening to the sounds of nature is a great way to help you relax. Check out our playlist here


Mood Boosting Avocados 

Looking for a mood boosting food? Then avocados are your friend! Containing B vitamins, such as Folate, these guys are not just a delicious toast topper. So put some guac on your plate and a spring in your step! 


Mood Boosting Bananas

Is it a vegetable or a fruit? Either way, bananas are a good source of vitamin B which is proven to support stress. We recommend adding one to your breakfast for a healthy start to the day. Why not try out our banana muffin recipe



Stretching provides your mind with a mental break. It allows you to recharge and increase the blood flow throughout your body, resulting in a calmer and more peaceful mindset. Don’t forget to stretch before you exercise people! 

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Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water has many benefits… but did you know it’s also essential for healthy muscles? Water plays a key role in keeping muscles strong, so grab a glass and get drinking.

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Gardening can give you a workout equivalent to taking a walk or Yoga, so why not give yourself a full body workout and grow yourself fit! 


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